Appearing upon their judgment that political critics had been treasonous opponents of fine authorities, Adams followed the lead of Congressional leaders and heightened home repression.

thoughts on the state of u.s. politics and the 2016 election

U.S. PoliticsPolitical factions or parties began to type through the battle over ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787. Grenell, who can also be continuing in his present posts as ambassador to Germany and special envoy for negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia, has gained Trump’s favor along with his unwavering loyalty and combative tweets (In one occasion, he attacked ProPublica in response to reporting that Vice President Mike Pence’s workplace had intervened in overseas assist choices.) He raised hackles in Berlin by injecting himself into the country’s home politics, a departure from common diplomatic protocol.

After attacking the administration of Federalist President John Adams in print, Thomas Cooper (1759-1839), political writer and ardent Republican, was … Read the rest

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